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Chemometrics in Chromatography epub

Chemometrics in Chromatography. Lukasz Komsta, Yvan Vander Heyden, Joseph Sherma

Chemometrics in Chromatography
ISBN: 9781498772532 | 526 pages | 14 Mb

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Chemometrics in Chromatography Lukasz Komsta, Yvan Vander Heyden, Joseph Sherma
Publisher: Taylor & Francis

A team of researchers from the State Laboratory of Chemo/Biosensing andChemometrics in China has developed a novel high performance liquidchromatography-diode array detection (HPLC–DAD) method for the identification of six synthetic colours in five beverages. A team of researchers from the State Laboratory of Chemo/Biosensing andChemometrics in China has developed a novel high performance liquidchromatography-diode array detection (HPLC-DAD) method for the identification of six synthetic colours in five beverages. Kołodziejek J(1), Voelkel A, Heberger K. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 5 (1989) 195-207. Amsterdam -Printed in The Netherlands.CHEMOMETRICS AND LIQUID CHROMATOGRAPHY IN THE STUDY OF. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.. Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed in The Netherlands. The ever-evolving field of chemometrics provides many useful tools for the analysis of chromatographic data. Part 2: Sequential Experimental Designs. Chemometrics and Method Development in High-performance Liquid Chromatography. Characterization of hybrid materials by means of inverse gas chromatography and chemometrics. The terms " chroMATHography " [19] and " chromametrics " [20] have been coined to describe the combination of chromatography and chemometrics, and special issues have been devoted to chromametrics by specialized journals [21, 22].

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